Dried Orange Wreath

I saw this idea on Sparklelivingblog.com. She used this wreath as a way to brighten up her house after the holidays were over and cleaned up. But this wreath would be beautiful at ANY time of year!
This would be beautiful on your front door, along a staircase, mantle, or hang in your kitchen!
She dried her own oranges, but that can be a very long process. Save your time and order pre-dried oranges and eucalyptus for a homemade wreath that you can put together very simply and quickly.
We have a wide variety of colored dried and preserved eucalyptus to match your home decor or color themes
& then our professionally dried oranges slices
The sparklelivingblog used a grapevine wreath as the wreath form, but you could use any wreath form you have.
We think our round birch branch wreath would be great to use as your wreath base
Then simply attach your orange slice and eucalyptus branches using a hot glue gun. For a stunning, long lasting orange wreath.